G&P’s First Church Plant


Joe and Melissa have been married almost 20 years. Together they have 3 children: Anne Charlotte (13), Cannon (11), and Beck (6).


The Denticis are planting a church in greenville!

Since June 2019, Joe has been a pastor of Grace & Peace Presbyterian Church, where he and his family have thrived. Before that, Joe started the ministry of Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at UAB, before moving on to RUF at Penn State. The Denticis are excited to continue this next season of ministry in Greenville with this new church plant.

  • Because Greenville needs more churches that seek out the wounded, the poor, and the sinful with the good news of Jesus. Greenville needs another church convinced that “the kingdom of God isn’t a matter of talk, but of power.”

    Imagine the impact that could ripple throughout our city as more churches meet people where they are with the good news of Jesus. Where more people are seen and changed from the inside out, and in turn, seek out others.

    Such is the church we want to build with you. We have an incredible opportunity to build something new. We have the privilege to gather in a new place to show others what Jesus is really like, as well as to show what community around this Jesus is like. As Jesus once said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

  • A church plant is beautifully disruptive. Not only are those planting spiritually invigorated, but so are those sending. For many reasons, most of G&P should stay right here. We would ask for your regular prayers and encouragement.

    But, if the thought thought of joining us energizes you, as we build a new community around the gospel of Jesus, if you aren't afraid to get your hands dirty in service of others, then come join us! We invite you to prayerfully consider whether God is stirring your heart to join us in this exciting work. Together, we get to build something new, refreshing, and life changing.

  • Although an exact meeting location has yet to be determined, we see a need to gather a core group for worship and ministry just up the road where Wade Hampton and Taylors converge. That being said, God will put us where he wants us.

    Not only does G&P have a number of families that live near this area, but this growing residential area provides an exciting opportunity for a church plant like ours to meet our neighbors with the gospel of grace and to serve them in Jesus’ name.

  • Your prayers! Pray for:

    • The Denticis as they begin this work

    • The Lord’s provision for all of the resources needed for a church plant (building, finances, etc.)

    • About whether God is calling you to join this church plant

    • For God to help us make quick inroads in the community in which we plant

    Interested in learning more?

    • Grab lunch with Joe to talk about it! 205-677-8387



  • Interest meetings - February 2, March 9, April 13

    • Previous interest meetings were recorded and are available to listen to on Church Center.

    • April 13 from 5-6:30pm

      • Register if you plan to attend or you wish you could (we’ll keep you in the loop with details)

      • Location TBA

  • August 2025 - Core group meetings begin

  • Easter 2026 - First worship service!