There are multiple avenues we provide care for those in our church family.
Our Care Team exists to help those within our congregation with any prayer or practical needs you might have, especially related to sickness, physical needs, meal assistance, etc.
Please contact Virginia Howat (vtwilso@gmail.com) Lauren Ellis (lcellis90@gmail.com) with any needs (yours or someone else's). Virginia is on Maternity Leave until January 2025.
If you know of any needs that can be met with a meal, contact Madison Stewart (katmadisonstewart@gmail.com).
Solitaires are precious stones whose beauty is enhanced by being set apart.
At Grace & Peace, we believe that our God loves and values the lives of unmarried people, even choosing to walk the earth as a single person himself. Often, however, unmarried people do not have clear paths to talk about what is unique to our experiences inside and outside of the church—what is beautiful, hard, and complicated. The purpose of these Solitaire Gatherings is to provide space for those of us who are unmarried to reframe and process what it means to be single, talking honestly together about our real experiences with other people who get it. This group is for all genders, ages, and forms of singleness: those who have never been married, are choosing celibacy, are divorced, and are widowed.
Pizza and drinks will be provided
Childcare reimbursement is available to those who need it
Please RSVP if you can, but you are encouraged to join us even if you have not RSVPed.
Bring a friend if you like and let's talk together about how we can honor God and celebrate living our beautiful, legitimate lives.
Contact Cindy Williams (cwordwings@yahoo.com) or Catherine Blass (cmblass@gmail.com) with any questions.
If there isn’t a Solitaire Gathering listed, the sign-up is in process. We usually meet monthly, but take off some of the busier months of the year (ie. December)
Our deacons are here to help care for our church family.
If you have financial (rent, bills, counseling assistance) or other needs, you can contact the diaconate directly at deacons@graceandpeacepres.com
We know that within our congregation there are a number of people who have these experiences, or who are longing for children and that has not happened, and we want to recognize that this matters. We are aware that you may feel lonely and may be looking for connection with others who have walked through these same seasons.
We hope that your Neighborhood Group has been a space where you have been able to process and feel support and if we can help in other ways we would encourage you to reach out to a pastor or the Care Team.
If Pregnancy Loss, Infant Loss, or Infertility is a part of your history, and you want to talk to someone, or you feel like God has grown you through this and you want to share your experience with others, we would love to hear from you.