“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. So that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.”
Psalm 78:4, 6-7
Jesus radically welcomed children. He touched them. Healed them. Blessed them. Loved them. Said that we should be like them. We hope that the Lord uses Grace & Peace proclaiming Christ in the lives of children to reveal himself to them (Romans 10:17). The following is a summary of our beliefs and pursuits in Children’s Ministry, trusting that God is the one that changes hearts by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Children worship.
Every human is formed by his/her habits, and we believe that God uses children's repeated presence in Sunday worship to teach them the Truth and to form them into His people. For instance, the confession of sin helps children to know their need for God. Scripture readings allow children to get to know God through His word. Hymns enable children to have words to wonder about God's grace.
More specifically, Children’s Church prepares preschoolers for worship and encourages community. Each Sunday, four and five year olds are invited to Children’s Church during the sermon. Once dismissed, children will pray together, read a bible story, learn scripture, and sing songs. It is our hope that in Children’’s Church, our preschoolers find community with one another, support and love from their teachers, and a growing understanding of who God is and what the Gospel is through scripture and song.
Children are welcome.
There are some places in life where wiggly, question-asking children aren't necessarily welcome. Grace & Peace is a place where we want to see and hear children, whether that's on a Sunday morning or on a weeknight in each others' homes. If children are in worship with you, feel free to quietly explain the service to them. And, if your children are in nursery or Children's Church, know that we believe children are the next generation of believers. So, we cherish time spent getting to know the younger members of God's family. (See below for information about our offerings for children on Sundays.)
Children help us wonder.
Jesus told the crowds to be like children. One of the strengths of children is their ability and capacity for wonder. Yes, it matters how and what we teach our children, but we want to consider what they excel at and let them teach us. To know children is to know more of God in wonder and anticipation of his work here on earth.
And so, we anticipate that God is at work in the lives of children entrusted to us—these are His children and he has great plans for them. So, it is our prayer that Jeremiah 15:16 would be true of our children, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts.”
On Sundays
We provide nursery care for infants through three-and-a-half years old. Each room is staffed with background-checked volunteers and staff. During nursery, children are encouraged to play and to get to know each other. We are grateful for the opportunity to get to know your child!
Children's Church
For preschool children 4 and 5 years old, we invite them to attend worship. After the first few songs and Prayers for Children, they will be dismissed to Children's Church. There they will read a Bible Story (from The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones), sing a song or two, pray, and get to play. It is our hope that Children's Church fosters community among our young children and allows them time to interact with God's word in an enjoyable, age-appropriate way.
If you’re a first-time visitor and would like to speed up the check-in process on Sunday morning,
If you have any questions about Nursery or Children’s Church, please contact BJoey Livdahl (nursery@graceandpeacepres.com).
Are you a member of G&P whose child needs to be baptized? We set aside the second Sunday of the month for baptisms.
Email Mallory Corum (mallory@graceandpeacepres.com) to schedule.

For Elementary-Aged Children
Summer Offerings
Each summer we host an Art Camp for children in our congregation and in Poe Mill (the neighborhood next door). Catch some highlights from Art Camp at the video below.
Poe Mill Art Camp is a free camp for children entering grades K-6 where we explore that God is always good through visual art, music, creative writing, drumming, and improvisation.
School-Year Offerings
For questions about Catechism Class, contact Brittany Fowler (children@graceandpeacepres.com)
Catechisms are an enduring practice in the church that helps us to understand our faith in a question and answer format.
New City Catechism was expressly crafted for children, to help them form a structure in their hearts and minds for some of the deepest and most beautiful questions that we all ask. All elementary-children are invited to join us.
Catechism Class is currently offered during Education Hour (each fall and spring semester).